A Comprehensive Analysis

In the digital age, IP addresses play an integral role in enabling communication between devices across the internet. Every connected device—from computers and smartphones to servers and routers—relies on IP addresses to send and receive data. One such IP address is, which we will explore in detail in this article.

What Is an IP Address?

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique numerical label assigned to every device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. The primary function of an IP address is to identify the device on the network and to direct data between different devices.

There are two main types of IP addresses:

  • IPv4: The most commonly used type, IPv4 addresses consist of four sets of numbers separated by periods, like These addresses are limited to 4.3 billion unique combinations, which has led to the need for a more expansive system.
  • IPv6: To accommodate the growing number of internet-connected devices, IPv6 was introduced. IPv6 addresses are significantly longer and offer a near-infinite number of combinations.

Understanding The Basics

The IP address is an IPv4 address, formatted as four decimal numbers separated by periods. Each number can range from 0 to 255, and this specific address is part of a block of addresses allocated to a particular entity, such as an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or organization.

When examining an IP address like, we can gain some insights into its usage, ownership, and location through various tools and methods.

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Who Owns

To determine who owns an IP address like, a WHOIS lookup can be performed. WHOIS is a query and response protocol widely used for querying databases that store the registered users or assignees of an IP address, domain name, or autonomous system. This information often includes the organization’s name, contact details, and the range of IP addresses allocated to them.

Performing a WHOIS lookup for reveals that it is likely registered to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or organization in a specific geographic region. The ownership information will often include the name of the ISP and the range of IP addresses they manage.

Geolocation of IP Address

IP addresses are generally associated with geographical locations based on the allocation patterns of regional internet registries (RIRs). By performing an IP geolocation lookup on, we can estimate the region from which this IP is operating.

  • Country: Russia
  • City: Likely associated with Moscow or a nearby area, although geolocation data can be approximate.

This geolocation data indicates that is likely used within a network or service based in Russia. However, IP geolocation tools have limitations, as they often only provide rough estimates of the physical location of the IP address.

Potential Uses of IP Address

IP addresses like can be used for various purposes depending on the needs of the network it’s associated with. Here are some common uses:

1. Web Hosting

IP addresses are often used by web servers to host websites. For instance, when you type in a domain name in your browser, it gets translated into an IP address like by DNS servers, allowing your browser to connect to the correct server and load the website. If this IP is associated with a web server, it might be hosting a website or multiple websites through virtual hosting.

2. Email Servers

IP addresses are also used for email hosting, allowing email clients to connect to the server and send or receive messages. The IP address acts as a unique identifier for the email server, directing email traffic to the correct destination.

3. VPN or Proxy Services

Another possible use for is within a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or proxy service. These services provide anonymity by routing a user’s internet traffic through a different IP address, masking their real location. If this IP is part of such a service, it could be used by multiple users at different times.

4. Networking Devices

In corporate or large-scale networks, IP addresses like could be assigned to devices like routers, switches, or firewalls, which manage traffic between internal and external networks.

Security and IP Address

As with any IP address, security is a critical concern. Unauthorized use of an IP address could result in misuse, including Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, unauthorized access to network resources, or other malicious activities. To mitigate these risks, network administrators implement security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular monitoring of network traffic.

If you encounter suspicious activity associated with IP address—such as unsolicited emails, abnormal network traffic, or attempts to access unauthorized services—it’s essential to report the issue to the responsible network administrators or ISP.

How to Trace IP Address

Tracing an IP address involves following the route that data takes from your device to the target IP address. Tools like Traceroute and Ping can help you visualize the path data packets follow across the internet.

  • Traceroute: This tool shows each “hop” or step that data takes as it moves through various routers and networks to reach the destination IP address. It provides insights into where the delays or disruptions in the connection may occur.
  • Ping: Ping tests the latency between your device and the target IP address, measuring the time it takes for data packets to travel back and forth. A successful ping indicates that the target IP is reachable.

By using these tools, network administrators can diagnose connectivity issues or analyze the performance of the network associated with

Troubleshooting Issues with IP Address

When dealing with issues related to the IP address, it’s important to follow a systematic approach to identify and resolve the problem. Whether the issue is related to connectivity, performance, or security, a structured troubleshooting process can help you diagnose and fix the issue effectively. Below is a comprehensive guide to troubleshooting problems associated with this IP address.

1. Verify Connectivity

Ping Test: Start by performing a ping test to check if the IP address is reachable from your device. Open a command prompt or terminal and type:

bashCopy codeping
  • Successful Ping: If you receive a response, the IP address is reachable, and there’s no immediate connectivity issue.
  • Unsuccessful Ping: If the ping fails (e.g., request timed out), the IP address may be down, or there might be network issues preventing connectivity.

Traceroute: Use the traceroute command to trace the path that data packets take to reach

bashCopy codetracert   # Windows
traceroute   # Linux/macOS
  • Normal Trace: A normal trace will show you each hop along the route and the time it takes to reach each hop.
  • Issues: If the trace shows significant delays or fails to complete, there may be issues with intermediate routers or network congestion.

2. Check DNS Resolution

Sometimes, issues can arise from DNS (Domain Name System) resolution problems rather than connectivity issues. To verify DNS resolution:

NSLOOKUP: Use the nslookup command to check if the IP address resolves correctly:

bashCopy codenslookup
  • Correct Resolution: If the DNS lookup is successful, the IP address should resolve to a domain name (if applicable).
  • Failed Resolution: If the DNS lookup fails, it might indicate problems with DNS servers or the domain associated with the IP.

3. Examine Network Configuration

Ensure that your network configuration is set up correctly:

Check IP Settings: Verify that your device’s IP settings (e.g., IP address, subnet mask, gateway) are configured properly. Incorrect settings can lead to connectivity issues.

Firewall and Security Software: Check if firewall or security software on your device is blocking traffic to or from Adjust the settings or temporarily disable the software to see if it resolves the issue.

4. Review Server or Service Status

If you’re experiencing issues with a specific service or website hosted at

Check Service Status: If the IP address is associated with a web server or online service, check if the service is operational. Look for status updates from the service provider or use online tools to verify the server’s status.

Check Logs: If you have access to server logs or monitoring tools, review them for any errors or warnings related to the IP address. Logs can provide insights into server performance or issues.

5. Security and Privacy Concerns

If you suspect that the issue involves security or privacy:

Check for Unauthorized Access: Ensure that there is no unauthorized access or suspicious activity associated with the IP address. Use security tools to scan for potential threats.

Review IP Reputation: Check the reputation of the IP address using online IP reputation services. These services can provide information about whether the IP is associated with malicious activity or known threats.

6. Contact Support

If you cannot resolve the issue on your own:

Contact ISP or Network Administrator: If the IP address belongs to an ISP or organization, contact their support team for assistance. Provide them with details about the problem you’re experiencing.

Seek Professional Help: If the issue persists and affects critical services, consider consulting with a network professional or IT specialist for further diagnosis and resolution.


IP addresses like are essential building blocks of the internet, enabling the smooth transfer of data across vast networks. This particular IP address is part of the IPv4 system and is likely managed by an ISP or organization in Russia. Its uses could range from web hosting and email services to VPNs or network devices. Understanding the role and management of IP addresses helps to shed light on the complex infrastructure that supports modern digital communication.

Read Also: IP Address | www.ipcainterface.com


1. What is an IP address?

An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. It allows devices to identify and communicate with each other over the internet or local network.

2. How can I find out who owns the IP address

To find out the owner of an IP address like, you can perform a WHOIS lookup. This query will provide information about the organization or ISP that manages the IP address, including contact details and the range of IP addresses they own.

3. What should I do if I cannot connect to the IP address

If you cannot connect to the IP address, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Perform a ping test to check if the IP is reachable.
  • Use traceroute to trace the path data takes to reach the IP.
  • Check your network configuration and firewall settings.
  • Verify that the IP address is associated with an active and functioning service.
  • Contact the ISP or network administrator for further assistance if necessary.

4. Can IP addresses like be used for malicious purposes?

Yes, IP addresses can sometimes be used for malicious activities, such as sending spam, launching cyberattacks, or distributing malware. If you suspect that an IP address might be involved in malicious activities, you can use IP reputation services to check its status and take appropriate actions to protect your network.

5. How can I improve my security when dealing with IP addresses?

To improve security when dealing with IP addresses, consider the following measures:

  • Use firewalls to block unauthorized access.
  • Implement intrusion detection systems (IDS) to monitor and respond to suspicious activities.
  • Keep your software and security tools up to date.
  • Regularly review logs and network activity for any anomalies.
  • Educate users about safe practices and potential threats.